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awesome game!!, do you have discord group or something ?

Thank you! Not yet but one is in the works. I'll reply when its ready if you're interested.


Just opened it up:
It's brand new so there won't be much happening yet, sadly. 

Hey,remember to bring me one.😋Thank you.
Don't expect too much yet, I just opened it. 

Hi how do you get more point and fast ? Cause i just find the 5 keys and i go but only ~600-700 points


unlock purification it gives around 1500 points per purification

Thanks yo

how to use the purification?

How do I get all the h scenes without having free mode?

The two defeat scenes you get randomly and the additional three come from purification. The animation depends on where you're standing and what bodypart you're aiming at. The 6th animation in the game is only available via free mode. 

this game is really good i hope it keeps getting worked on


Thanks! At the moment it's in its final version as I've moved onto a different game. But the whole concept may be revisited in the future.

How do i reset my progress ?

Go here: %LocalAppData%\HallsOfPaleWidow\Saved\SaveGames
and delete SaveGame.sav


dude your friends voice is sexy as fuck lol she should do more voice acting

I agree. I hope to bring her back for my next project. 

Helloooo !
incredible, I love the game, horror and nsfw are definitely the best combo, can't wait to see ur next project (but man we really need a outfit with sum high heels or something like that)
awesome work <33

Thanks! Yeah, I can see that. Though I think High Heels would need their own system for animation and so on because there's a lot of potential with that. 

yeeess ofc i understand, it could be a lot of work dw, it was just a suggestion ! :D


Hey !

first of all awesome game, love the concept of the game and how it was executed, however i am encountering a bug the shop upgrades seem to not be working for me even tho i purchased and enabled them, for example i can t see the widow on the map even tho i have the upgarde, h-scenes don t work either, when i get caught it just plays the standard stabbing animation...

i can answer that for you! pretty much getting the h-scenes is kind of a hassle. i haven't played the game in a bit, but if i remember you can get the H-scenes depending on how many keys you get. but you can always go to the grindy route and do the purification bit! i find it way easier to not only finish the game but also better scenes than the normal way. but if you do decide to go to the purification way to beat the game, depending where you purify her you will get a different scene

being in front of her is a BJ, behind her is reverse or normal cowgirl, and im pretty sure purifying her from the side is some other scene i dont really remember

ok i will try that then, thanks a bunch !

of course!, tell me how it goes!!!

of course!, tell me how it goes!!!

For purification, you get missionary if you're in front of her, doggy-style from behind. If you aim at her head then you get the BJ animation. For getting defeated, the animations play randomly. 



if you really want to skip all the grinding all you need to do is look up %LocalAppData%\HallsOfPaleWidow\Saved\SaveGames in my PC, then drag and drop the save file on the site then edit your money before saving the file in same spot. I recommend moving the original save in case you mess up. Don't want to corrupt your progress if you mess up somehow.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

And how to edit a save to get money

(1 edit)

by clicking on the value, you wish to change and the number you want as the amount, then click download as before clicking save as and finally on the save that you dragged into the box. once saved, reload the save  and the changes should be there


Anyone else b-hop while listening to La Caution - Thé à la Menthe

Pretty good game, love the rétro and the vibe. I just have one question : Sometimes, whenever she is close or not, i hear a random ''hey'' in a totally different voice (like, not the one of the woman). Is there some sort of easter egg with this or am i going too far and its just one of her lines?

Shamelessly, I took the idea of that from another game. The idea is that the "hey" is a very rare scare that plays every once in a while. All it does it attempt to disarm you if you are all alone and nothing is happening. It is intended that was and isn't a bug. Anyway, glad you like the game!

Guys, b-hop up stairs or just in general- it makes moving much faster

what do you mean by b-hop?


You can achieve incredibly high speeds by jumping, holding down crouch, and jumping as soon as you hit the ground. The timing on its pretty tricky, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it. Bhopping also allows you to go fast without losing stamina. Also, if you wanna dodge her attacks, sprint to her right.


Asking a friend to voice a porn game  is crazy, I wish that I had that level of friend


To be honest, when I asked her I was very uncertain what the reaction was going to be. But we've been friends for over 10 years and we've talked about porn plenty of times so I wasn't too concerned.


Лучшая игра в своем стиле! Очень хочу обновления

idk why but when i play the game after about 3 to 10 seconds after i move the game always freezes idk why might wana fix it dev pls?


Hmm... That is odd. Is this happening after the level generates and you get control of your character? It's the first time I've heard about this issue.

Whats the new update?

(1 edit) (+4)

Did you get a notification? Sorry about that, someone mentioned having issues with the app so I updated the download to work with it. There's no actual new updates. 


I saw the game was recently updated and got curious


bro honestly if you kept updating this game or made something similar you'll still get a lot of good ratings, good stuff

Why i tried download it on app (the downloaded and it said "no compatible found" ? Why ?

My bad, it should work now. 

Damn, thank you so much. It's hard to find hard-working game developer like you these days.


Hey Krasue! I wanted to drop by and ask a tiny question because absolutely love this game you've made! Now, I don't know if this is an obvious thing for all games or a me problem, but I've lost all my progress upon loading up for the second time the updated 1.0.8 version of the game. In both version of the game (1.01 AND 1.0.8), my progress had been completely wiped and I'm back at square one. I absolutely don't mind restarting to obtain all the unlocks I've gained, but I wanted to know if you knew the answer to this problem, because of course, I wouldn't want to lose all of my progress again. :)

Hey, thanks for enjoying the game. This is the first I've heard of save progress getting wiped - a few people actually commented wanting to know how to manually wipe it so they could restart.

Is it each time you start the game? It might worth taking a look in %LocalAppData%\HallsOfPaleWidow\Saved\SaveGames and see if the save file is being deleted or recreated somehow. And if it is check to see if it's happening upon booting the game up or exiting. You can also back up the file for future use, though this isn't ideal. 

Thank you so much for the reply! I’ll put your advice to use.

Hey man, this game is amazing and i love the way you made it. if you ever want your game to have a german version, i would love to help you out as that is my mother language. This game is so amazing that i just want to make sure more people can play this. Hope you have a nice day and to hear from you :D

Oh and also what would you say to another version like this just other textures. randomice school halways and class rooms with a yandere, i mean there are a lot like this but none like the idea of this amazing game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the offer! I'll certainly think about it, there's not a lot of text in the game but I'm sure that some of the key hints would be useful to have in other languages.


As for variations on the game's environment and themes, I might do that in a different game or circle back to this much later. My hands are full with the new game at the moment.

Happy to hear, yea that was my idea. It could help german player who dont understand the hints if they qould be german version.

dont worry i will wait, just hit me up once you are interested.

Would U ever do different versions like instead of the indoors version maybe a good detail foggy forest  with her having some new skins or something. Would definitely pay for that as a DLC

At the moment, no. I might circle back to this game later, but at the moment I'm working on a new game. The new game does have a forest in it, though.

Where can I find the female audio  I think it's cool

All the voice acting in the game was done by my friend. I'm assuming that's what your question was asking. I'm glad you like it and I'll pass that on to her. 


Can't wait for the next game man


Thanks, there will be a bit of a wait as it's still in early development. I just made a post over on Twitter and Patreon about it so, if you haven't already, you can get an idea of the direction I'm taking with it.

(2 edits)

Hey there, a friend of mine mentioned this -    
It looks right up my alley, and really well-designed.  
Unfortunately, for whatever reason the game causes my GPU -  

A NVIDIA 2070 Super  

- to go absolutely wild, reaching 60C+ which is definitely not sustainable.  
Nothing else I've got currently does this, including games which have a lot more graphical rendering going on.   
(If not as fun to roam in!)

I know you're currently at work on other projects, but I was wondering if there was a log I could send your way.  

Regardless, great work, and best of luck with your next project!

(Thought I had it solved, but apparently not. :/ Tried setting Framerate to 30 FPS, but it still just keeps climbing. So it goes I guess.)


Have you tried the other Direct X bat files? 2070 super should support DX12, which this game uses by default, but see if either DX11 or DX10 works. 

I was aware of some GPU hiking issues back when the game first released, but 1.0.8 fixed said issues. At least according for the people who originally flagged them. Sadly, due to the differences in hardware, I can't say for sure what is or isn't the problem. 

For me at least, the game climbs to about 15% GPU load and the temperatures stay quite low. A log won't really help if it's a hardware issue, which it might be if it's only on your machine. If you do come up with any theories, though, I'd like to hear them. I don't plan on switching engine so now's the best time to try and squash issues like this so they don't come up in future releases. 

Just to let you know, I've been playing around with options and can sometimes get it stable.  
I almost feel like it's something to do with some or another particle effect...  
But I can't say that.  
Regardless, I've managed to get it stable enough - DX12 version, 60FPS, full rendering -  
That I've been able to play a few matches, and it's a pity I can't give any other advice because it's absolutely great.  
Didn't realise how much of a maze-running procedural hole was in my heart until the last few days, haha.  
And, y'know... If the Widow wants to get re-married, aye. Yeah. Definitely.

More seriously, don't have any other big theories.  
Will try to keep an eye on your work and support it later so that when you release next, I can see if I can pinpoint anything.  
I'll post here if I figure out what it is, even if the end result is 'yep, just a hardware issue' so you can cross it off the list.  

I don't know which key to press to pick up items and interact with the door

Keyboard E used for interactive doors or props on the ground

Thank you.

The game is great, but could you change the footstep audio of the widow so that we can know the direction of her?(I know you can see where she at after unlocking show on the map feature, but it would be a lot easier for ppl who haven't unlock it to know where she is.)

Her footsteps and taunts are directional already, unless you're talking about something else. 

I'm certain the taunts is, but the footsteps doesn't sounds directional to me though. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

Fantastic game,  genuinely cheered when I Escaped first try ahaha. The gameplay was so fun I forgot it had NSFW!

Very excited to see your future projects!

Thank you!


there is a trick to never have your stamina finish. You can press M to open map and press shift at the same time and you stamina should replenish without getting you in danger.

i will try,thanks

The game won't start. The process doesn't even look like it. If he appears, it will be for a moment that I don’t even see him

Strange, do you get this with other Unreal Engine games? It might be an issue with prerequisite runtimes.

I don’t remember this happening to anything else, but if you have any advice on how to fix it, I’ll be very glad.

It's possible that this is really happening on unreal engine games, I recently downloaded the game and it seems to be on it too, and it absolutely does not run the same way. The process also does not have time to appear.

Is there a version for Android?

Unfortunately not.

(1 edit) (-1)

man keep geting my self lost in this place (an open map in the corner so something would be lovely) also wtfym watch the statues


just a small question i just recently got the NSFW mode activated and now i want to know. how do i get more scenes other than the cowgirl and blowjob scene

You unlock more scenes with Free Mode and Purification (if you defeat her).

idk if i ever mentioned but could you change the freeroam mode to be less hostile while making a normal mode version where at the end of any sexual encounter she kills us inside the arena

but in free mode maybe she fakes the kill and then places her blade next to our head while resting her head against our chest or leg if shes giving us a blow job

I probably won't be making any changes like that at the moment. The reason the animations in free mode are the same as in the main game is simply to save time and not have to animate the same animation again with a different ending or intro.

Hopefully there is an Android version

I like the visual aesthetic a lot! Really enjoyed wondering in the environment.

I'm studying the topic of procedural generation atm, what's the algorithm you used for this project?

Thanks! There's not really an algorithm in mind, it's more or less completely random. Each room and hallway (let's say tiles) has connection points with open geo (no walls or anything) then the level gets made by connecting each tile via the connection points.

Depending on the state of the connection point, it then fills in the gap with a doorway (if it's connecting) or a wall (If there's nothing connecting.) If you're interested, Doom (2016)'s snapmap uses a similar tile system just without the procedural generation.

awsome game but sometimes i get buggy doors that apper i cant open them 

Thanks and yeah, it's a known issue. I may fix it at some point in the future but for now, it's not game-breaking. It is annoying, though.

hey, currently playing the game at the moment and I really have to say this is an absolute master piece! I'm sure you've probably already heard this but the mix of horror and lewd content is such a divine mix! I haven't gotten to any of the NSFW yet (mainly here just so I can express my gratitude and also calm down a bit) but anyways I really love the game and I'll be waiting for more updates!!!!

Thanks for the kind words! It's one of my favourite mixes as well and I hope to continue making more games with these themes. I hope you enjoy the NSFW content when you get to it. 

That would be beyond perfect!, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your next games/updates! and to answer your other reply, I've already figured out! I was fully invested and bought every single thing that I could! including the skins as well!

Deleted 120 days ago

Thanks! Yeah, I've noticed that the maps can get unwieldly. I'll probably be taking a look at procedural generation again with my next game and keep in mind most of the critiques from this one.


amazing game man, amazing update also, can't wait for future games of yours or updates for this one, gonna keep waiting and hyping your work



Is this game played using an apk? I want to download it, it looks good

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