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(2 edits)

Hey there, a friend of mine mentioned this -    
It looks right up my alley, and really well-designed.  
Unfortunately, for whatever reason the game causes my GPU -  

A NVIDIA 2070 Super  

- to go absolutely wild, reaching 60C+ which is definitely not sustainable.  
Nothing else I've got currently does this, including games which have a lot more graphical rendering going on.   
(If not as fun to roam in!)

I know you're currently at work on other projects, but I was wondering if there was a log I could send your way.  

Regardless, great work, and best of luck with your next project!

(Thought I had it solved, but apparently not. :/ Tried setting Framerate to 30 FPS, but it still just keeps climbing. So it goes I guess.)

I don't know which key to press to pick up items and interact with the door

Keyboard E used for interactive doors or props on the ground

Thank you.

The game is great, but could you change the footstep audio of the widow so that we can know the direction of her?(I know you can see where she at after unlocking show on the map feature, but it would be a lot easier for ppl who haven't unlock it to know where she is.)

Fantastic game,  genuinely cheered when I Escaped first try ahaha. The gameplay was so fun I forgot it had NSFW!

Very excited to see your future projects!


there is a trick to never have your stamina finish. You can press M to open map and press shift at the same time and you stamina should replenish without getting you in danger.

The game won't start. The process doesn't even look like it. If he appears, it will be for a moment that I don’t even see him

Is there a version for Android?

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